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Service catalog - Automating documentation

Cover Image for Service catalog - Automating documentation
Andres Spitzer
Andres Spitzer

Go back to part 1

More than a year and a half ago I wrote a post "Graph databases. Beyond the hype" where I was explaining what were graph databases and how we were leveraging them to solve a problem around knowledge sharing and service documentation. I promised to continue the explanations but I failed to do until now. I had posted some information on our internal blogs but did not share it outside.

I believe it's interesting to share what we have done and how we are "scratching our own itch".

This has been one of my side projects during the last year, I apologize beforehand for the long post. šŸ˜‚


In our group, we have a complex ecosystem, both in technology and in teams. It was difficult to find information around our services and trickier to try to build a standard for documenting when dealing with so different stacks, teams, and even development cultures. Knowledge is key in effective collaboration. Often teams get stuck or slowed down by lack of information, misinformation or simply blurriness on information and the answer for many questions is: I donā€™t have a clue. That's why created " Clue" an internal product to allow people to find the information they need around their services.

Since we started the project I have written several articles and pieces of information around it so here I would try to aggregate and summarize the content to depict how this works.

There were also three main premises that we had in mind when approaching the challenge.

  • Developers are not great documenters. For documentation to be updated it will need to live as close to the code as possible.
  • Automation, automation, automation. All of the processes for building the catalog should be automated to have up-to-date and relevant information.
  • Needs to bring value! To encourage developers to add documentation around the services and use the platform, they need to perceive the value it brings. This is the best motivator for teams.

We want that each technical service/component has a responsible team that will be guaranteeing that the service is evolving correctly and stays maintainable, performant, and secure. It does not mean that only the responsible team can contribute with code to the service. Any team that needs it could propose changes to the service. Changes will be always be validated by the maintainer team.

What have we built?

For the above premise to be possible we needed to have in place two things:

  • A clear service catalog that gives clarity of what team is responsible for each service as well as the scope for each service.
  • Technical & functional documentation around the service.
  • A clear procedure with the ā€œrules of engagementā€ of what is the process when a team needs to do evolutions/extensions of a service/component that is not maintained by them.

Clue UI is an interface to be able to interact with the graph database. We have some custom screens around our services and teams and also we allow to query directly the database with "cypher" (Neo4j query language) for answering more complex questions and also do deeper architecture analysis.

I will show some screenshots to illustrate some features of the platform that I hope spike your curiosity. The screenshots are the details for a specific service in the catalog. They are the details for the "Clue" service.

Service overview

The idea of this set of features is to have a 360 view of information around a service.

List services in the database

Selected service overview screen. Sections of the service details are different depending on the service type

We display pipeline status for the service using Gitlab API

Documentation rendered directly using gitlab API. We display all markdown files on the documentation folder for the service

We display feature flags and status for the service using Launchdarkly API

Errors reported for the service on Sentry

We also track releases for the service using Sentry release feature

Changelog file is build automatically on the release process and also displayed using Gitlab API

Team overview

Have 360 view around a team. Services, features, OKRs...

List teams in the database

Team overview

Advanced queries

We also have embedded the neo4j browser where user can make more concrete and complex questions directly to the database.

How does it work?

As we explained at the beginning of the post, the idea was to have the catalog as automated as possible. So we built a service that automatically scans different information sources and inserts the relevant information to the database according to a defined schema. Let's see a high level view of the architecture.

Knowledge graph

The information in the catalog is stored in a graph database that is the perfect match for managing complex knowledge graphs. The idea is to be able to store all the documentation and meta-information around all of the entities that are relevant.

This knowledge graph can become very complex and wide so I will start explaining here some of the foundations of how the information is structured and related.

Software elements entities

As part of the knowledge base, there are several software-related elements with different granularities that are related between them and will help describe our ecosystem which is still today composed of very different information systems

So on our catalog, we will have entities created with the different granularity levels and there also will be the relation between them as illustrated in this example:

Each of those entities will follow a defined schema that is validated automatically by our Clue CLI and will describe with as much detail as we want the properties of the entity as well as the relations the entity has.

This is an example of a service description on a YAML file. You will see that we describe the serviceā€™s basic metadata as well as its relations with other entities. We store this yaml fileon each service repository, and then its automatically scanned periodically by our Clue importer service.

label: Service
    title: clue
    serviceType: MONOLITH
    description: "<b>Clue Service & UI:</b>  Please go to  Documentation...
    sourceCode: "https://gitlab-url-goes-here"
    gitlabProjectId: projectId
    documentationFolder: "clue"
    exposesApi: NONE
    showInGraphs: BOTH
    capabilities: ""
    deploymentConfigUrl: ""
    runtimeConfigUrl: ""
    changelogPath: CHANGELOG.md
    logsUrl: ""
    healthUrl: ""
    metricsUrl: ""
    errorTrackingTool: SENTRY
    errorTrackingId: "12345"
    releaseServiceName: "clue"
    errorTrackingUrl: "https://errortracking-url"
    codeAnalysisTool: SONAR
    codeAnalysisUrl: ""
    featureFlagsTool: LAUNCHDARKLY
    featureFlagsUrl: "https://flagsservice-url"
    featureflagsProject: clue
    featureFlagsTag: CLUE
    continousIntegrationTool: GITLAB
    lifecycle: PRODUCTION
    slaCriticalityLevel: A1
    slaOperationRange: OR1
    slaRecoveryTimeObjective: C1
    slaRecoveryPointObjective: D1
        to: InformationSystem=emobg-universe
      - type: MANTAINED_BY
        to: Guild=guild-apis
      - type: USES_LANGUAGE
        to: ProgrammingLanguage=go
      - type: USES_LANGUAGE
        to: ProgrammingLanguage=javascript
      - type: USES_FRAMEWORK
        to: Framework=nuxt
      - type: USES_STORAGE
        to: Storage=neo4j
        showInGraphs: TECHNICAL
      - type: DEPLOYED_AT
        to: Infrastructure=gcp
        to: Environment=production
          url: "[UI](https://exposed-url)"

If you see, on this file we describe the service as entity "label: Service". This means we will use the "service" schema to parse and validate the content of the file and insert in on the neo4j database. This is the schema definition for the service entity.

enum ServiceTransport {

enum Lifecycle {

enum ServiceType {

enum ShowInGraphs {

enum ErrorTrackingTool {

enum CodeAnalysisTool {

enum FeatureFlagsTool {

enum ContinousIntegrationTool {
enum ExposedApi {

type Service {
  id: String!
  serviceType: ServiceType
  showInGraphs: ShowInGraphs
  title: String
  description: String
  documentationFolder: String 
  exposesApi: ExposedApi
  capabilities: String
  sourceCode: String
  gitlabProjectId: Int
  deploymentConfigUrl: String
  runtimeConfigUrl: String
  changelogPath: String
  logsUrl: String
  healthUrl: String
  metricsUrl: String
  errorTrackingTool: ErrorTrackingTool
  errorTrackingId: String
  errorTrackingUrl: String
  releaseServiceName: String
  codeAnalysisTool: CodeAnalysisTool
  codeAnalysisProject: String
  codeAnalysisUrl: String
  featureFlagsTool: FeatureFlagsTool
  featureFlagsUrl: String
  featureflagsProject: String
  featureFlagsTag: String
  continousIntegrationTool: ContinousIntegrationTool
  costCenter: String
  lifecycle: Lifecycle
  featuresDocProjectId: Int
  slaCriticalityLevel: SlaCriticalityLevelEnum
  slaOperationRange: SlaOperationRangeEnum
  slaRecoveryTimeObjective: SlaRecoveryTimeObjectiveEnum
  slaRecoveryPointObjective: SlaRecoveryPointObjectiveEnum

union ServiceModuleApp = Service | Module | MobileApp | WebApp

union ServiceModuleAppFeature = Service | Module | MobileApp | WebApp | Feature

union ServiceModuleSystem = Service | Module | MobileApp | WebApp | System

# This relation is set automatically by clue-gitlab-importer.
type InRepository @relation(name: "IN_REPOSITORY", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: CodeRepository

type PartOfInformationSystem @relation(name: "PART_OF_INFORMATION_SYSTEM", kind: UNIQUE) {
  from: ServiceModuleSystem
  to: InformationSystem

type UsesLibrary @relation(name: "USES_LIBRARY", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: ExternalLibrary

type MantainedBy @relation(name: "MANTAINED_BY", kind: UNIQUE) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Team
type ResponsibleChapter @relation(name: "RESPONSIBLE_CHAPTER", kind: UNIQUE) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Team
type ResponsibleTeam @relation(name: "RESPONSIBLE_TEAM", kind: UNIQUE) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Team

type DeployedBy @relation(name: "DEPLOYED_BY", kind: MANY) {
  from: Service
  to: Team

type DeployedAt @relation(name: "DEPLOYED_AT", kind: MANY) {
  from: Service
  to: Infrastructure
  project: String

type DeployedEnvironment @relation(name: "DEPLOYED_ENVIRONMENT", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Environment
  url: String

type UsesFramework @relation(name: "USES_FRAMEWORK", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Framework
  version: String

type UsesSaaS @relation(name: "USES_SAAS", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleAppFeature
  to: Saas
  showInGraphs: ShowInGraphs

type UsesLanguage @relation(name: "USES_LANGUAGE", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: ProgrammingLanguage
  version: String
type UsesStorage @relation(name: "USES_STORAGE", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Storage
  database: String
  showInGraphs: ShowInGraphs

type InteractsWith @relation(name: "INTERACTS_WITH", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Service
  transport: ServiceTransport
  showInGraphs: ShowInGraphs

type InteractsWithBroker @relation(name: "INTERACTS_WITH_BROKER", kind: MANY) {
    from: ServiceModuleApp
    to: MessageBroker
    # For multiple topics separate with commas, i.e. "topic-1,topic-2,topic-3".
    readTopics: String
    writeTopics: String

type InteractsWithQueue @relation(name: "INTERACTS_WITH_QUEUE", kind: MANY) {
    from: ServiceModuleApp
    to: QueueSystem
    # For multiple topics separate with commas, i.e. "topic-1,topic-2,topic-3".
    consumeQueues: String
    putInQueues: String

type InDomain @relation(name: "IN_DOMAIN", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: BusinessDomain

type ImpactsInitiative @relation(name: "IMPACTS_INITIATIVE", kind: MANY) {
  from: ServiceModuleApp
  to: Initiative

Relating to other entity types

There are several types of entities and not all are describing software elements. This gives us the hability to describe very complex systems on a very easy way.

So, the graph can start describing the entity on a much more richer way, like this:

Of course, each of those related entities also is a fully described object so knowledge graph information can be expanded very deeply depending on the knowledge that is relevant for a specific context. Since the information is stored on a graph database it can be easily queried using a simple query language.

Here you see another example with one more level of related information on one of the nodes (example only).

With this approach of structuring information you can query and get automated architecture views with different actors and entity types a required that donā€™t need to be maintained on an isolated way and adapt the view depending on the specific need. Information discovery and understanding is dramatically improved since complexity can be fully adjusted.

Entities, relations and schemas can contain technical and business information alike so the richness and depth of the knowledge graph that can be created is enormous while mantaining an easy structure.

Example entities relations:

With this post I wanted to explain a bit more in detail how we are trying to automate our service catalog and documentation. There are still other specifics that not covered on this post but I believe it has enough detail to explain the approach we have taken.

Thanksfor reading so so far and I hope you found some helpful information. If you have questions/comments/feedback I will be happy to hear!