If you want to drop me a note: hello at aspitzer.com


It has been too long.

Cover Image for It has been too long.
Andres Spitzer
Andres Spitzer

I'm not sure why, but it has been too long since I wrote here.

I could say that it has been due to a hectic period, too busy to find the time to do it but, I don't think it has been that. I have been always extra busy for as long as I can remember, and I believe you always find the time to do the things you really want to do. Being too busy or not having the time are fake excuses to help yourself tame the guilty feeling.

2020 was a complex year that still carries over today, full of transformation, putting all of us, at least for a while, in a strange sudden limbo where everything slowed down. Our habits at work changed, our habits at home changed, we created new habits (at least I tried) during confinement to keep our "sanity" ... Some of them stuck, some not, in any case, I believe I was still in this "state" of trying to find the new balance. And actually, I'm grateful for this time, where above all, I have regained awareness of what is important over what is relevant but not so much important.

So now, starting to set again some routines that I enjoy doing and also help me keep my balance I have decided to commit again to find my words. Most probably still random ramblings about the things that I love and enjoy: technology, team management, challenges, and most likely also geeky stuff.

Commitments are important but are just a step, an "internal contract", so here it goes mine.

See you tomorrow. ?